As the Fantasia International Film Festival wraps up in Montreal after a thrilling three-week cinematic extravaganza, we reflect on the new horror, science...
The tender and heartfelt Netflix series Heartstopper, adapted from Alice Oseman’s graphic novels, captures the highs and lows of teenage life. Oseman, who...
Heartstopper, the tender Netflix adaptation of Alice Oseman's warmly-received comic series, shares its narrative universe with Oseman's first novel, Solitaire, and other related...
Izzy Hagerup, the creative force originating from Northampton, Massachusetts, stands at the helm of the musical endeavor known as Prewn. Tied to Kevin...
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British vocalist Aluna is set to charm her fans with her second full-length record, MYCELiUM, slated for release on...
Angie McMahon unveils ‘Saturn Returning’, marking her return to the music scene with fresh material after a three-year hiatus. The song's visual companion...